Many illegal immigrants arrive here on boats or planes to visit and then just never return home, or they cross the U.S. borders unseen and live under the radar until they are caught or deported. If you entered the country illegally, you are leading a very scary and rough life, constantly dodging "les federales" or "les policia." If you want to stay in the U.S. permanently, and you are tired of dodging the immigration officers and police, know your options. If you do not know what your options are, consult an immigration attorney. An immigration attorney is not required to report you or your presence here, so you can ask one for his or her help. Here are some of the options he or she may provide.
Establishing the Right to Work and Getting a Work Visa
If you came to the U.S. quite some time ago, and you have been working several different jobs here for a long time, you may be able to stay by showing your willingness to work and not be a burden on society. To continue working here legally and not face deportation, you need a work visa. Your immigration attorney can help you acquire a work visa, and then you can continue to work with your attorney on becoming a fully legal U.S. citizen. This process takes a long time, so it is important to get that work visa first so that you can stay here until you are made a citizen.
Proving Your Right to Stay Because You Have an "Anchor Baby"
If you have been in this country so long that you gave birth to one or more children here, the "anchor baby" immigration laws apply. What this means is that your children are officially U.S. citizens because they were born here (only those that were born here), and they are allowed to stay because they are citizens. You are allowed to stay so long as your children are minors and require your care and support. It is highly likely that your immigration lawyer will advise you to become a full U.S. citizen before your youngest child turns eighteen—otherwise you may be deported because your children no longer need you to support them.
Getting a Green Card
If you have absolutely no other valid reason to be here other than the fact that you simply do not want to return to your native country, then you need a green card to carry you through the citizenship process. Even those with a work visa or international-education visa have to eventually apply for a green card before their visas expire. The green card would make it legal for you to be here until your application for citizenship has been reviewed and accepted. Your lawyer can help you apply for the green card and then tell you what you should do next.
Talk to a firm like David Borts Law Office for advice and more information.
Share17 August 2016
Many people immigrate to another country in order to work or attend school, and they must leave their spouses behind. My name is Roberta, and I believe that many people do not understand their rights involving having spouses in the country with them and bringing spouses into the country permanently. In this blog, I will discuss the laws and regulations involved in immigrating without your spouse and then having that spouse join you at a later time. I will suggest ways to find an immigration attorney to help you with your case, and I will provide other resources where you can get information and advice.